Montag, 13. November 2017

Mac OSX SFTP Server

You had to upload big files to your Mac. Macs offers an build in SFTP Server.
Port is 22, which is open at University.

see following webpage:

1. Create a folder for SFTP files

In Finder crate a folder, for example /sftpupload on your Mac System Hard disk.
With Command + I open the "get info" window.
Sharing and Permission -> everyone to "Read & Write"

2. Create User for SFTP

Open System Preferences
Users & Groups
After unlock for Administrator add an user by click to the "+"
"New Account" -> "Sharing only"
Type in a name for example "sftpuser" (FTP as name does not work!)
After user is created click to the user with right mouse and "advanced options"
Login shell: /bin/bash
Home directory:

3. File Sharing

Open System Preferences
Activate "File Sharing"
Shared Folders: add your created folder, for example "sftpupload "
Mark "sftpupload" and go to Users:
Add your created user sftpuser.
Permit Read (Only), write (dropbox) or Read & Write permission

4. Activate SFTP

 Open System Preferences
Activate "Remote Login"
Allow Access for : add your created user sftpuser