Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2012

Mac "The operation can't be completed because the item xxx is in use"

This error is in all Mac OS X Versions up to 10.7

Delete something in a Network Drive

It happens then I want to delete something from the network drive.
It turned out that the program Quicklook use the file.
This is the case then you use the finder in the cover view mode.
The file, in my case a picture,  is viewed with Quicklook.
Use the normal list mode and you can delete normally.

How to find out which program is using your file

Open the Terminal
lsof -l +L -R -V | grep "Name-of-the-file"
alternativelly you can use
lsof -l +L -R -V | grep /Volumes
in the case your file is on the network drive

Stopp using
Killall Finder
to stopp  Finder  to use the file

Remove with Terminal
sudo rm -rf "path-and-name-of-the-file"
drag and drop the file to the Terminal windows you get the correct path and name!

If you get this error deleting the trash

Simple solution

Right click the trash and use "Secure Empty Trash"
You find this also in the Finder, menue Finder, Secure Empty Trash

Montag, 11. Juni 2012

Mac Hardisk not Booting - partition map

Apple iMac (Mac OS X 10.4) is not booting.

1. Start iMac and press "T"
Connect by firewire cable to another Mac Computer (Mac OS 10.7).
Start "Disk utility" program.

"First Aid"
"Verify Disk"
"Repair Disk"

Error was found
"Problems were found with the partition map witch might prevent booting."

In my case the "First Aid" could not help.

2. I tried to boot the iMac with Disk Warrior (v.4).
But the repair program could not repair the hard disk.

3. I installed the Windows program "MacDrive" on PC Windows XP.
(5 day free test program)
Connect my Mac Harddisk to windows, with USB external hard disk device.
But MacDrive found error on harddisk and could not repair.

4. Found blog from "Broes"
I installed "TestDisk" on Mac (10.7).
Connect the hard disk with USB external hard disk device.
Tried to understand the program.
The program could not see the rotten hard disk.

5. Idea to use TestDrive on Windows Computer.
Connect the rotten hard disk by USB external device to Windows PC.
Suddenly the rotten Mac Hard disk is mapped.
I could copy all the data to another external hard disk.

Summary: I could not really understand the "repair" of the hard disk.