Mac OSX SFTP Server
You had to upload big files to your Mac. Macs offers an build in SFTP Server.Port is 22, which is open at University.
see following webpage:
1. Create a folder for SFTP files
In Finder crate a folder, for example /sftpupload on your Mac System Hard disk.With Command + I open the "get info" window.
Sharing and Permission -> everyone to "Read & Write"
2. Create User for SFTP
Open System PreferencesUsers & Groups
After unlock for Administrator add an user by click to the "+"
"New Account" -> "Sharing only"
Type in a name for example "sftpuser" (FTP as name does not work!)
After user is created click to the user with right mouse and "advanced options"
Login shell: /bin/bash
Home directory:
3. File Sharing
Open System PreferencesSharing
Activate "File Sharing"
Shared Folders: add your created folder, for example "sftpupload "
Mark "sftpupload" and go to Users:
Add your created user sftpuser.
Permit Read (Only), write (dropbox) or Read & Write permission
4. Activate SFTP
Open System PreferencesSharing
Activate "Remote Login"
Allow Access for : add your created user sftpuser